Tagged with video_case_studies

Marine Tech Talk Podcast

Teledyne Marine Tech Talk Episode 32 - Slocum Glider "Silbo" Circumnavigates the Atlantic Ocean -...

464 views March 24, 2021

Guest: Justin Shapiro, Former Applications Engineer – Slocum Glider, Teledyne Webb Research​h​ This episode is the second in a special four-part series on “Silbo", Teledyne Webb Research's autonomous underwater glider that recently made the first...

Marine Tech Talk Podcast

Teledyne Marine Tech Talk Episode 31: Slocum Glider “Silbo" Circumnavigates the Atlantic Ocean –...

601 views March 08, 2021

Guest: Ben Allsup, Technical Support and Operations Manager – Slocum Glider, Teledyne Webb Research​ This episode begins a special four-part series on “Silbo", Teledyne Webb Research's autonomous underwater glider that recently made the...

Marine Tech Talk Podcast

Marine Tech Talk Podcast: Episode 28 - Glider Observations in New Zealand’s Shelf Seas

436 views January 22, 2021

Guests: Dr. Joanne O’Callahan, Coastal Oceanographer from NIWA and Khushboo Jhugroo, PhD candidate, Physical Oceanography, University of Auckland, New Zealand and NIWA For this episode of Marine Tech Talk Dr. Joe O'Callahan, a coastal...

Teledyne Marine Webinars

Circumnavigation of the Atlantic with an AUV

519 views August 27, 2020

Join our host, Ben Allsup, for a closer look at the recent completion of a 4-year journey that circumnavigated the Atlantic Ocean in four legs, a first for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The Slocum Glider “Silbo” was deployed in 2016 from...

Teledyne Marine Webinars

Measuring Storm-generated Ocean Currents Using the Earth's Magnetic Field

407 views July 10, 2020

Models to better understand and predict major climate events require ever more precise ocean atmospheric data. This includes the accurate measurement of ocean current velocities throughout a water column, both before, during and after events such...