Migration of the California Dept of Water Resources to T-Series multibeam echosounders during a precipitation transition period
The State of California has been in a state of emergency drought for 100% of the State over the last 2 years and severe drought for the last 5. In April of 2017, the Governor of California ended the state of emergency for 95% of the State. Seafloor Systems has been involved in the acceptance and transition from older multibeam sonic technology to T-Series frequency agile multibeam systems in support of Engineering and Monitoring projects across the State, including The Oroville Dam spillway project, California Levee Infrastructure Stability Assessment Program, and the Folsom Lake Dam Auxiliary Spillway construction Project. This presentation will present and discuss the each of those projects, the problems presented, and the solution offered and executed.
Presented by:
John Tamplin
Seafloor Systems
Presented by:
John Tamplin
Seafloor Systems