Robots Talking to Robots: Using Acoustic Modems to Connect Ocean Systems
The Liquid Robotics Wave Glider has demonstrated great success as a host platform for acoustic modems. Numerous customer missions have employed these systems to provide seafloor to surface connectivity. In this presentation recent results will be presented. Customer experiences in oceanographic research will highlight the role of Wave Gliders with acoustic modems to:
• Locate and track underwater assets more efficiently and without a ship
• Act as a communications relay, allowing underwater assets to transfer data quickly and in near real-time
• Follow submerged autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs) for in situ analysis of a drifting water mass
Examples of undersea assets supported will include fixed seafloor seismic research nodes, free swimming long-range AUVs and a seafloor crawling benthic rover. In addition to telemetry certain missions also make use of acoustic positioning to support undersea assets.
This presentation will describe the applications and integration of Teledyne acoustic systems on Wave Gliders.
By: Ryan Carlon, Liquid Robotics Inc
• Locate and track underwater assets more efficiently and without a ship
• Act as a communications relay, allowing underwater assets to transfer data quickly and in near real-time
• Follow submerged autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs) for in situ analysis of a drifting water mass
Examples of undersea assets supported will include fixed seafloor seismic research nodes, free swimming long-range AUVs and a seafloor crawling benthic rover. In addition to telemetry certain missions also make use of acoustic positioning to support undersea assets.
This presentation will describe the applications and integration of Teledyne acoustic systems on Wave Gliders.
By: Ryan Carlon, Liquid Robotics Inc