product presentations
Presentations of products and features.
Created as promotion material
product presentations
SeaBat T51 teaser
The SeaBat T51-R is the latest addition to the leading SeaBat T-series product range, built on the shoulders of the renowned SeaBat T50 – but with four times the resolution. The SeaBat T51-R brings on a revolutionary and industry-unique true...
product presentations
Teledyne Gavia - SeaRaptor
The SeaRaptor™ is a survey grade, deep water autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The system is depth rated to 3000m or 6000m and designed to carry a broad range of sensors. Learn more about the SeaRaptor
product presentations
Teledyne Gavia - Use of the Teledyne Gavia AUV
This video shows the launch, piloting and recovery of a Teledyne Gavia Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) THE GAVIA AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER VEHICLE (AUV) is a self-contained, low logistics, modular survey platform capable of delivering high...
product presentations
Teledyne Gavia - System Setup
Video shows the set up for a Teledyne Gavia AUV.
product presentations
Deep Sea Survey and Mapping with the Teledyne Gavia SeaRaptor AUV
Deep Sea Survey and Mapping - The SEARAPTOR™ is a survey grade deep water autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) designed to operate at abyssal depths. A wide range of sensors allow the SeaRaptor™ to complete several types of missions including:...
product presentations
Pipe and cable detection with HydroPACT
There are many thousand buried assets carrying supplies through our oceans from source to supplier. With all buried assets requiring regular survey and maintenance, the ever increasing demands for exact location and depth of burial for operational...
product presentations
Intrepid on board
Teledyne’s Intrepid is an integrated GNSS INS solution for the SeaBat ASV product line. The system offers a simplified setup through SeaBat’s modern UI, eliminating the need for physical or software interfacing between sensors. The system outputs...
product presentations
Offshore wind turbine installation with teledyne PDS
Installing an Offshore wind turbine is a complex, multi-phase process that requires extensive planning, precise engineering, and continuous monitoring. Teledyne PDS serves as a central tool in this challenging process. It interfaces with a wide...
product presentations
Tracker Ensures Clean data and Efficient Mapping
See how the SeaBat T-Series tracker option can instantly improve your survey data. In this example, the outer beams are too weak (marked with blue), resulting in noisy data. The range is too long, leading to low ping rates. With Tracker enabled,...
product presentations
Tracker Automatically Adjusts Short Range Settings
This is a classic case where the range is set too short, causing the outer beams to be out of range of the seabed. The result is noisy data, extensive data cleaning, reduced coverage, and lost ship time. This scenario can easily occur when the...
product presentations
Tracker Rescues Poor Data and Swath Coverage
This example first demonstrates poor data quality. Not only is there significant noise due to poor detections, but there are also data gaps (Holidays) leading to reduced swath coverage. Ultimately, this results in extensive manual cleaning,...
product presentations
Adaptive Gates Follow Complex Seabed Terrain
Gates aid in bottom detection by minimizing false detections. Any gate can follow a flat seabed, but the SeaBat T-Series comes with unique adaptive gates. As seen in this example, the gates follow both flat terrain and steep cliffs. This is one of...
product presentations
Normalized Backscatter Maintains Data Integrity
In this example, you will observe that while the user adjusts sonar settings such as power gain, absorption, and spreading, the backscatter remains unaffected. The SeaBat T-Series sonar accurately measures the seabed response because the...
product presentations
Tracker Prevents Oversaturation in Backscatter Data
In the SeaBat T-Series sonar wedge, the beams are now color-coded by intensity. Red/orange beams indicate that the signal is reaching saturation levels, which should be avoided as it leads to poor backscatter. Once the SeaBat T-Series Tracker...
product presentations
Tracker Optimizes Swath Width for Maximum Efficiency
Here, the T-Series SeaBat tracker option controls the swath width, which was initially set very narrow. Tracker determines that a larger swath is possible and begins to open up the swath angle. This allows users to operate hands-free, confident...
product presentations
SeaBat T-series Vertical Detection Mode
Vertical Detection Mode (VDM) is a game-changing enhancement now available as a free upgrade for all SeaBat T-Series sonar systems. This new feature is set to revolutionize how vertical structures are detected underwater, providing precision like...
product presentations
ECHOTRAC E20 Software update 5
After releasing the Teledyne Odom ECHOTRAC E20 we have continued to develop new features and options based on feedback from our users. With the fifth update, the Teledyne Odom E20 now offers some exciting new features. Visit:...
product presentations
ECHOTRAC E20 Software update 5 - the details
After releasing the Teledyne Odom ECHOTRAC E20 we have continued to develop new features and options based on feedback from our users. With the fifth update, the Teledyne Odom E20 now offers some exciting new features. Learn more at:...
product presentations
Anti-Submarine Warfare
The Slocum glider is a uniquely mobile network component capable of moving to specific locations and depths and occupying controlled spatial and temporal grids. Driven in a sawtooth vertical profile by variable buoyancy, the glider moves both...
product presentations
SeaBat T-Series normalized backscatter demo
Ever had to do a multibeam survey but told not to change the sonar settings because it ‘messes’ up the backscatter? Let’s make things simpler. Normalized Backscatter corrects for sonar settings in real-time so that you collect good bathymetry and...
product presentations
Teledyne Gavia Osprey Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Flexible Solutions for Varied Applications The Osprey AUV is built upon the proven Gavia modular design. The Osprey has a 324mm/12¾” diameter to accommodate additional energy and sensor options to meet demanding applications with a 2000m depth...
product presentations
Releasing the SeaBat T51-ASV
Superior multibeam technology engineered for uncrewed platforms The SeaBat® T51-ASV is built around the popular SeaBat® T51 and maintains the incredible SeaBat® data quality in a smaller form factor. Optimized power requirements ensure extended...
product presentations
Releasing the Saturn INS 0.05° variant
The Teledyne TSS world leading north seeking SATURN INS inertial navigation system range has just got bigger. We are pleased to announce the addition of the SATURN 05INS our highest specification and performance model to date. Not only does this...
product presentations
Releasing the Workhorse II ADCP
RD Instruments’ Workhorse—the most sold ADCP in the world— just got better. We’ve enabled new features and even better performance across more applications and demanding environments with the Workhorse II. RDI’s proven MEMS heading and tilt...
product presentations
TSS HydroPAct600E dectection system
A new benchmark for smaller ROVs developed from over 30 years of subsea pipe Cable survey experience. Through a smaller innovative single coil sensor, and single 24Vdc subsea electronics Pod with lower power requirements, the HydroPACT 660E can...
product presentations
Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Teledyne RESON SeaBat T51
Give us five minutes and we’ll give you the top 5 reasons why Teledyne Marine’s technology rocks! Pim Kuus is Senior Hydrographer and Product Manager for Multibeam Sonar products at Teledyne Marine. Join him as he shares the top 5 reasons why the...
product presentations
SeaBat T20 MotionScan
The SeaBat T20 MotionScan is a pan configuration, based on the renowned and compact SeaBat T20 high-resolution multibeam echo sounder. Installed on a dredge barge the SeaBat T20 MotionScan will, literally at the push of a button, map the work...
product presentations
SeaBat 7123-MKII Search and detection sonar suitable for MCM
The new SeaBat 7123-MkII is an advanced dual-use high resolution sonar suitable for both commercial and military applications. Commercial uses include super high resolution imaging for underwater inspection related tasks, long range detection of...
product presentations
Teledyne Bowtech camera, lights and lasers overview
Teledyne Bowtech underwater cameras, lights and lasers are designed to withstand the huge pressures of ocean depths down to 6,000 metres. Built from the best corrosion resistant materials with the most optically clear, scratch resistant windows...
product presentations
Teledyne RDI Doppler Velocity Logs
Product line director, Teledyne RDI - Grant Jennings, presents the Wayfinder DVL and the Tasman DVL from the Teledyne RDI Doppler Velocity Log product range. Learn more about Teledyne Marines Doppler Velocity Log product line.
product presentations
Teledyne Gavia AUV
Inside Sales Manager, Teledyne Gavia - Kolbrun Arnadottir presents the GAVIA Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
product presentations
Teledyne Marine Navigation Technology Update
Teledyne Marine is world-renowned for their innovative subsea and surface navigation solutions. In this presentation, we outline the many new features and advancements made to further enhance our DVL, INS, and IMU product lines.
product presentations
TSS HydroPACT 660E
With HydroPACT 660E Teledyne Marine brings the world’s smallest submarine, pulse induction pipe tracker to market. Built upon the already established, industry standard and world leading TSS HydroPACT 440 system, the HydroPACT 660E continues the...
product presentations
Autonomous High Performance Survey Solution for Shallow Water Surveying
The SeaBat Multibeam is now optimized for ASV integration. SeaBat’s T20-ASV autonomous features allow for reliable, hands-off multibeam data acquisition from smaller platforms, such as the Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat Autonomous Surface Vehicles....
product presentations
The Latest Advancement in Deep Ocean Survey Vehicles— Teledyne Gavia’s SeaRaptor AUV
Teledyne Marine presents an overview of the newly delivered 6,000 m rated Teledyne Gavia SeaRaptor AUV with modular capabilities and full sensor suite.
product presentations
Latest Teledyne Marine Interconnect Technology Advancements
The presentation outlines how we adapt our vast interconnect technology to address applications. Teledyne not only supplies connectors, we provide custom-made solutions. We discuss our current capabilities as well as plans to address the needs...
product presentations
Teledyne Marine’s Leading-Edge Sensors & Technology to Support ROVs / AUVs
As subsea vehicles continue to decrease in size and increase in importance, Teledyne continues to innovate, reducing the size, weight and power draw of the critical onboard technologies you’ve come to know and expect from our organization. We...
product presentations
Teledyne Marine’s Solutions for Ocean Research
Teledyne Marine’s products and solutions for deep-water applications help scientists and surveyors around the world expand the boundaries of their knowledge of the world’s oceans. In this presentation we share our technology and sample case...
product presentations
Teledyne Environmental Sustainability
With the importance of environmental responsibility and sustainability now placed on individuals, small businesses, and large corporations, Teledyne presents an overview of our efforts in this area. Already a globally recognized leader in...
product presentations
Mammal Monitoring with the Slocum Glider
The recent growth of offshore infrastructure combined with an increase in oceanshipping have led to international regulations requiring monitoring of marine life toavoid impacts. Developers and shippers are seeking inexpensive autonomous meansof...
product presentations
SeaBat T51-R Multibeam: Revolutionary Technology—Stunning Performance!
Teledyne Marine introduces revolutionary and unrivalled true 800 kHz technology with the new SeaBat T51-R Multibeam Echosounder from Teledyne RESON. Built on the renowned SeaBat T-series technology crafted from decades of sonar experience, the...
product presentations
Teledyne SeaBat T20-S and Gavia AUV Integration
Learn about the integration of the SeaBat T20-S with the Gavia AUV, a combinationthat allows high-resolution mapping on a low-logistics AUV. We discuss these twounique products and the opportunities that this combination brings to our users.
product presentations
Offshore Wind Farm Installation
With complex offshore structures, it is as important to know what is happening below the water as it is to fit the most appropriate technology above it. That means gaining a clear picture of the subsea environment so that designers and engineers...
product presentations
Teledyne PDS Multibeam Introduction
Teledyne PDS Multibeam is an acquisition, processing and modelling package built with your end product-deliverable in mind. Widely used by companies around the globe on a broad range of hydrographic projects, PDS has a strong following among port...
product presentations
Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat Elite with Teledyne RESON SeaBat T20-ASV
Our legendary SeaBat imaging product has now been optimized specifically for a tightly coupled ASV integration, delivering a truly turnkey system. Teledyne Marine’s Imaging and Vehicles teams have collaborated to deliver a fully integrated...
product presentations
Teledyne ODOM Hydrographic’s highly popular ECHOTRAC E20 Single Beam Echosounder is now even more powerful! In this quick video, Kim Dailey walks users through the top five upgrades they’ll discover in our V 4.0 upgrade now available free of...
product presentations
Top Five Reasons why you need the Teledyne Marine NAVUI
Navigation made easy Teledyne Marine provides a large portfolio of navigation sensors for many different applications. The Teledyne Marine sensors comes with a modern User Interface that makes it easy and intuitive to control many different...
product presentations
SeaBat T51-R Demo
The SeaBat T51-R is the latest addition to the leading SeaBat T-series product range, built on the shoulders of the renowned SeaBat T50 – but with four times the resolution. The SeaBat T51-R brings on a revolutionary and industry-unique true...
product presentations
Product Launch Kick-Off 2021
Looking for an overview of what's new at Teledyne Marine? Join our president, Mike Read, as he kicks off the launch series with an update on Teledyne Marine, followed by a 3-5 minute “flash” overview of each of the 13 new products presented....
product presentations
Quick introduction to the Teledyne Oceanscience Z20
Learn about the combined efforts of the Teledyne Marine Instruments Imaging and Vehicles verticals to integrate the highly capable Reson SeaBat T20 – ASV to the Oceanscience Z -Boat 1800 . An overview of the combined system will be provided...
product presentations
Introducing the Teledyne Oceanscience Z20
Learn about the combined efforts of the Teledyne Marine Instruments Imaging and Vehicles verticals to integrate the highly capable Reson SeaBat T20 – ASV to the Oceanscience Z -Boat 1800 . An overview of the combined system will be provided...
product presentations
Quick introduction to the Teledyne Gavia Osprey and Teledyne Gavia Advances
Teledyne Gavia Osprey The Osprey class system is the newest member of the Teledyne Gavia AUV portfolio bridging the gap between the man portable Gavia class systems and the large deep water SeaRaptor systems. Join us for this discussion to learn...
product presentations
Introducing Teledyne Gavia Advances 2021
Teledyne Gavia will cover numerous advances in Gavia and SeaRaptor class AUVs including new sensor options, launch and recovery solutions, and Autonomy and on-board processing enhancements for greater vehicle capability. Presenter: Arnar...
product presentations
Introducing the Teledyne Gavia Osprey
The Osprey class system is the newest member of the Teledyne Gavia AUV portfolio bridging the gap between the man portable Gavia class systems and the large deep water SeaRaptor systems. Join us for this discussion to learn more about the Osprey...
product presentations
Quick introduction to the Teledyne Webb Research Glider / JASCO Sensor Integration
The JASCO OceanObserver hydrophone system is a modern integration that allows the Slocum Glider to record underwater sounds and detect marine mammal call or events of interest. Presenter: Shea Quinn Watch the full presentation
product presentations
Introducing the Teledyne Webb Research Glider / JASCO Sensor Integration
The JASCO OceanObserver hydrophone system is a modern integration that allows the Slocum Glider to record underwater sounds and detect marine mammal call or events of interest. Presenter: Shea Quinn
product presentations
Quick introduction to the Teledyne Webb Research G3 Processor
The newest G3s version of the Slocum Glider replaces the obsolete Persistor Board in the Science and Flight Bays with a STM32 Processor. Learn about the transition to the new G3s Processor and the advantages of this new technology. Presenter:...
product presentations
Introducing the Teledyne Webb Research G3 Processor
The newest G3s version of the Slocum Glider replaces the obsolete Persistor Board in the Science and Flight Bays with a STM32 Processor. Learn about the transition to the new G3s Processor and the advantages of this new technology. Presenter:...
product presentations
Quick introduction to the Teledyne Benthos Ultra Compact Modem / UTS-9500 Universal Topside
Sized at just 60 x 50 mm, and weighing in at just 55 grams, the OEM version of the new Ultra Compact Modem (UCM) puts highly reliable wireless acoustic communications at your fingertips. The new UTS-9500 replaces Benthos previous UTS-9400...