TMTW speakers
TMTW speakers
Computing Discharge in Real Time using the Q-Track Automated Continuous Discharge Measurement System
The Central Midwest Water Science Center has developed, installed, and operated an automatic system for computing discharge. The Q-Track system, as it is known, consists of a TRDI acoustic Doppler velocity meter (ADVM) attached to a carriage that...
TMTW speakers
Measured Flow Disturbance Around Different ADCPs and Mounts
NVE has mesured flow disturbance around various ADCPs and mounts/floats/trimarans to try to confirm or dispute previous studies by OSW, USGS. The background/reason for doing this is that after starting to use the OSW, USGS extrap/qrev software and...
TMTW speakers
Using Multibeam SONAR Technology Through the Life of Marine Construction Projects
In marine construction projects, work is often done “in the blind”. Using multibeam SONAR technology can aid this process in all phases of the project. Pre-construction scans can provide a base line look at an area. This can help put real numbers...
TMTW speakers
The Technological Evolution of Dredging
From its inception in the late 1800's, the hydraulic, or pipeline, dredge has been the dominant machine used for near-shore and in-shore sediment transportation in the United States. These dredges were initially deployed to maintain sufficient...
TMTW speakers
Teledyne RESON SeaBat T-Series Multibeam Sonars and Turbidity in Real-Time During Dredge Operations
During most dredging operations, survey verification of having met grade and other contract requirements comes after the dredge has completed its work in a designated work area and hence moved on. What if the post-dredge survey reveals that the...
TMTW speakers
Keynote: First Descent: Indian Ocean 2019-2022
Oliver Steeds presents First Descent: Indian Ocean 2019-2022, a series of Expeditions to explore and conserve the world's most unknown and least protected ocean, the Indian Ocean. From submersibles to ROVs, from sensors to camera systems, Teledyne...
TMTW speakers
River sediment transport monitoring by means of H-ADCP.
Monitoring stations in rivers and water courses are an important mean to obtain critical data about the different variables that play a role in the hydrodynamics and ecological processes. This is especially true during rough weather conditions...
TMTW speakers
Experimental verification of underwater noise localization based on cylindrical near-field...
To improve the stealthiness of underwater vehicles, or reduce impacts of vessels on the marine environment, it is necessary to identify their noise sources. Furthermore, the proper acoustic control and management of underwater noise radiation of...
TMTW speakers
ADCP Data QA: Overview to Advanced (Oceanographic)
Outline Overview of the ADCP Data Types Methodology for Data Reviewing: Key Data Quality IndicatorsReview of Example Data Sets from WH and Sentinel V ADCPs – Learn Data Displays: 2D Profiles, 2D Time Series, 3D Profiles, and 3D Time...
TMTW speakers
Vessel Mounted ADCP: Installation Background, FAQ’s, and a case study of an OS38 in the South...
Outline Go to: Vessel Mounted ADCP Requirements Go to: TRDI System Package Overview Go to: Example Vessels and Installations Go to: Block Diagram of ADCP Installations Go to: Do’s and Don’ts of ADCP Installation (Frequently Asked Questions) Go...
TMTW speakers
IDH T-50, BV5000, and LiDAR Mobilization on a Fast Response USV for Canal Survey and Inspection
The California Aqueduct is the principal water-conveyance structure of the California State Water Project. From the Sacramento River delta east of San Francisco, it runs south 444 miles (715 km) and is the world’s largest water-conveyance system....
TMTW speakers
Survey, dredge monitoring, search and removal of objects and disposing of contaminated mud
-Short presentation of the Port of Antwerp-Short presentation of the our surveyvessel "Echo" Built and tasks-dredging and processing contaminated mud, how we deal with it. Presenter: Kurt Stuyts Port of Antwerp
TMTW speakers
Use of AUV in shallow water, return of experience and expectations.
Using AUV since 2014 for shallow water survey mainly in West Africa in some of the most difficult area; zero visibility up to 4.5Kts surface current, ... We perform all the type of survey required by OG offshore construction (pre-lay, as-laid,...
TMTW speakers
Survey and positioning in windfarm construction - the next level
Showing the importance of using high grade survey equipment in reducing installation cost and time, as well as where survey plays a part where you least expect it, for example, when upending a monopile. Learn more about Teledyne Marine dredge and...
TMTW speakers
Current and future applications of acoustic scanning in marine engineering surveys and inspections.
The study highlights the advantages of using acoustic scanning in the survey of key walls, piles, defensive and other civil marine engineering structures, addresses existing and potential problems with this method and suggests a direction for...
TMTW speakers
The application of Teledyne RESON products in coastal area dredging works
Dutch Dredging is using many Teledyne Reson products integrated in its vessels dredging systems. This presentation focusses on Teledyne Reson products that mix effortlessly in existing dredging systems, but also on what it can offer in the...
TMTW speakers
USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) RSV Sea Observer deploying the Seabotix ROV vLBV300 to increase...
For some years now, autonomous vehicles achieve more and more hydrographic survey operations. Their fields of action are becoming more extended and they allow reducing the costs of this type of intervention in comparison with conventional survey...
TMTW speakers
Deploying lightweight ROVs for EOD operations
Rapid technical advancement has seen a move away from more traditional methods of sub- sea operations, such as the use of divers, in favour of using unmanned and remote vehicles. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are now being extensively used in...
TMTW speakers
An experience in using ADCP “Rio Grande 600 kHz” for investigations of the processes on the sea.
During several expedition seasons, starting from 2003, TRD Instruments- Europe provided us with ADCP Workhouse “Rio Grander 600 kHz” gratuitously supporting our studies at shelves of Russian seas. The first studies showed that the instrument...
TMTW speakers
Woods Hole Group’s (formerly Horizon Marine's) FAST Eddy Underway ADCP Survey Systems; Past,...
Woods Hole Group Inc. (formerly Horizon Marine, Inc. (HMI)) provides oceanographic services specifically tailored to the offshore energy industry. Our services are designed to assist with planning safe and efficient operations to minimize costly...
TMTW speakers
Monitoring Currents with ADCPs on Wave Gliders
This presentation will discuss how ADCPs on Wave Gliders provide a viable and flexible way to get critical upper-ocean current data. ADCPs on Wave Gliders provide a more efficient way to get key oceanographic data. Operating unmanned vehicle is...
TMTW speakers
Robots Talking to Robots: Using Acoustic Modems to Connect Ocean Systems
The Liquid Robotics Wave Glider has demonstrated great success as a host platform for acoustic modems. Numerous customer missions have employed these systems to provide seafloor to surface connectivity. In this presentation recent results will be...
TMTW speakers
Hydroacoustics in the USGS - Twenty-five years of Innovation
Acoustic instruments and methods for streamflow measurements first began to be integrated into the USGS streamgaging program in 1992, shortly after the TRDI Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was released. Although these...
TMTW speakers
Expanding Accurate and Efficient Use o f ADCP Data through the Development of Standards
*Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The use of acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) for measuring streamflow and stream velocities has become...
TMTW speakers
Electrical / Optical Flying Lead (EOFL) for Subsea Cabled Instrument Network Presenter
Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is an international facility hosted and owned by the University of Victoria (UVic), and managed and operated by the ONC Society, a not-for-profit established in 2007. The NEPTUNE and VENUS observatories, operated by...
TMTW speakers
Emerging ROV Capabilities - Moving from Inspection to Intervention
EOD teams are moving away from traditional mine-clearance methods using EOD divers in favour of using unmanned vehicles, specifically ROVs. Typically, ROVs for EOD applications have been deployed to perform inspection duties rather than active...
TMTW speakers
Migration of the California Dept of Water Resources to T-Series multibeam echosounders during a...
The State of California has been in a state of emergency drought for 100% of the State over the last 2 years and severe drought for the last 5. In April of 2017, the Governor of California ended the state of emergency for 95% of the State....
TMTW speakers
Rocksteady QD - Acoustic Disconnection of Moorings with Extreme Loads
Moored drilling and production rigs operating offshore in harsh environments may be subject to extreme weather events such as iceburgs and hurricanes, that require controlled disconnection from their mooring system. Rocksteady QD is a mooring...
TMTW speakers
Seasonal to Decadal Variability in the Upper Ocean Scattering Layer in Drake Passage
The surface shoaling of nutrient-rich waters poleward across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is responsible for the elevated productivity of the Southern Ocean. Over the last half century, the Southern Ocean has been warming at a faster rate...
TMTW speakers
Why Would You Put a Multibeam Sonar on a Construction Barge?
Abstract: How can I use GPS – I need results in the field. I can't use RTK GPS because it's not accurate enough. Multibeam SONAR systems will never be affordable to anyone but government agencies. Why would you put a GPS unit on a bulldozer?...
TMTW speakers
Measurements for site description and response of farmed fish and equipment in highly exposed...
Abstract: The salmon farming industry in the Faroe Islands is currently utilizing some of the most exposed sites for aquaculture in the world. Up to now, waveheights of 5m Hsig and tidal currents 1m/s have been measured at the sites. To be...
TMTW speakers
Teledyne Multibeam and Dredge Guidance Hardware and Software for Use in Bridge Demolition
Abstract: A $4 Billion project in Tarrytown, New York to replace and demolish the Tappan Zee Bridge is utilizing many aspects of the Teledyne Dredge Guidance portfolio. Five excavators outfitted with Teledyne dredging software (PDS) will be...
TMTW speakers
Advanced Techniques for Rapidly Mapping 3D Spatial Velocities for Tidal Turbine Placement
Abstract: Join us as we uncover the first approved permanent Tidal Test Facility in the United States. RDI and WaterCube, LLC partnered up with the Marine Renewable Collaborative to participate in bringing together the latest technologies to...
TMTW speakers
Royal Canadian Navy SeaBotix and BlueView Simulation Including Common Operating Picture
Abstract: GRi was contracted by the Royal Canadian Navy to provide a total of six Teledyne Seabotix simulators with BlueView multibeam sonar across three national locations. The work scope included simulation of dual vehicle missions and a range...
TMTW speakers
Slocum Gliders in multidisciplinary studies on the Scotian Shelf and beyond
Abstract: The Ocean Tracking Network and the Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) Network Centre of Excellence have jointly funded the Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research (CEOTR) glider...
TMTW speakers
Using Teledyne PDS Software for Pile Driving Applications
Presenter: Trevor Yocum Measutronics Abstract: Teledyne PDS software can be used for a variety of marine applications, both in construction and hydrographic surveying. This presentation will focus on a relatively new feature for the Teledyne...
TMTW speakers
Use of Acoustic Techniques for the Determination of Net Sediment Transport and Design of Safe...
Presenter: David Williams Australian Institute of Marine Science Abstract The Marine Supply Base channel in Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory Australia provides access to berthing and loading at East Arm wharf for vessels that support the...
TMTW speakers
Introduction to SmartFlight 2:0 - Automated Navigation for Teledyne SeaBotix ROVs
Introduction to SmartFlight 2:0 - Automated Navigation for SeaBotix ROVs Visit the Smartflight 2:0 product page
TMTW speakers
Multi-Modal Autonomous Exploration of Ice-Ocean Interactions at an Antarctic Ice Shelf Front
Presenter: Alexander Forrest University of California - Davis Abstract: Predicting the response of the ice-ocean system is becoming increasingly critical in an era where climate change is leading to ever more common mass wasting events of ice...
TMTW speakers
Perspectives on the State of Ocean Science
Keynote presentation by Margaret Leinen The value and role of ocean science and innovation increasingly has been the focus of both international and domestic forums on climate science, sustainability, and defense. Now in its second century of...
TMTW speakers
The Next Great Odyssey of Human Endeavour Exploring the Deep Ocean
Keynote presentation by Oliver Steeds Humankind is poised to make the next giant leap – into the deep ocean. We now have the technology available to us to discover more of our planet in the next 10 years than we have in the last 100,000....